Word of the Day: Attar
Migrating with Jekyll
Finding Weird Stuff in the Access Logs
Mitigation Strategies for a XMLRPC.PHP attack
StorymapJS makes telling stories in space easy and fun
Creating beautiful timelines with TimelineJS
Personography, or, Thinking about People with TEI
DH Awards 2013 Posted
Add Swap Space to EC2 to Increase Performance and Mitigate Failure
Increase your file size limit in Omeka
Installing an OS on a Virtual Machine with vSphere
Digital Faust Project Website Launch
Wellcome Images has a great selection of free images
Create video lectures easily using ScreenFlow
TAPoR, a resource for finding tools for textual processing
How would I design a one year digital humanities graduate assistantship?
Writing every day with help from 750 Words
WordPress Error Establishing a Database Connection — Quick Fix
I'm learning German with Duolingo and loving it
Exploring two MOOCs at the start of 2014, Computing for Data Analysis and Intro to Databases
Digital Humanities on the front page of the Chronicle
Good News! Nikephoros Conference Paper Accepted
Plan of the Ancient Sports Atlas
Ancient Sports Text Repository and Atlas
Installing Omeka – Neatline 2.0 on AWS
An Omeka – Neatline 2.0 Site, Colonus Explorer
Pleiades with Google Fusion Tables
G&P deans should work on parking crunch
Administrators should be on campus for Labor Day
Don’t forget G&P students
Thoughts on Lucretius De Rerum Natura
How to write a comparative essay
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